Posts tagged Take care of yourself
Self-care is a Major Part of Your Health-Care (Video)

Hi there!

Today I would like to talk about how and why self-care is a major part of your health-care.

This is an important message because, during these crazy times of COVID-19, it is all too easy to let our self-care get away from us.

Whether you are an essential worker, part of the front lines, at home taking care of family members, children, other friends, or anyone else, this message is particularly important for you.  

Self-care is inclusive of anything that helps your mental, emotional and physical well-being.  The idea is that you take care of yourself so you can have more to give others. 

Here are three self-care techniques that can be utilized during current times and beyond:


Journaling is a great way for you to let it all out. The point is to be able to get your feelings and thoughts out on paper and then let them go.    

It is a healthy place to vent what you need to vent and also bring awareness to gratitude as well. I encourage you to keep it in a safe place or throw it away if it won’t serve you moving forward.

Time is not an excuse! If you think you don’t have time, take your journal and something to write with to the restroom and find a few short minutes for yourself.  

The “Brain Dump”

Another great exercise, especially if you're feeling overwhelmed, is to do what we call a ‘brain dump.’ 

What this means is to literally write down on paper all the things you have to do.  Sometimes overwhelm happens because it is too hard to keep all our ideas in our heads.

Write down all the things you are trying to remember.  Make a personal category and a professional category and write everything down you have to do, is pending, or are trying to remember.  If you’d like, you can then categorize them into today, this week, and the future.    

As you complete your tasks, check them off and it will give you a sense of accomplishment.  

Remember to try to be realistic with yourself.  If you can't get to everything today, that's ok.  It is important to be compassionate with yourself and your goals. And relate kindly to yourself even when it feels like you fell short.

The “Vent/Gratitude”

The “Vent/Gratitude” is the idea of finding a safe person (somebody who's not judgmental, who will hold what you say to be confidential, and somebody who is willing to follow instructions).

Here is how you do it: 

  • Put two minutes on a timer. 

  • Vent out everything negative you need to say about what is going on in your life.

  • Your partner will not talk while you are talking!

  • When you are done, your partner will then ONLY say to you, “Thank you for sharing.” They will not try to fix anything, give advice to you, etc.  Only say, “Thank you.”


  • Reset the timer and spend two minutes focusing only on your gratitudes.  

  • Your partner will then say, “Thank you for sharing.”

  • Ask if a hug would be ok, and if so, give each other a virtual or in-person hug. 

Finally, feel free to switch roles.  Your partner can tell you their vents and then gratitudes if they wish to.

Remember, self-care is for your health-care!  It is my pleasure to offer these tips and tricks during these unprecedented times of COVID-19.

Sending you a big virtual hug.  Please stay healthy and safe, be kind to yourself and others whenever possible, and I will see you online soon.

For more information, check out my Masterclass, Compassionate Communication 101: 5 Shifts to Confidently Navigate Change and Challenge with Ease.

The Importance of Taking Care of Yourself First (Video)

Hi there!

In this video blog, I speak about the importance of redefining 'selfish' and taking care of yourself so you can give more to others. If we don't fill ourselves up first, we don't nourish ourselves or take proper care of ourselves, we become depleted, exhausted, and we have nothing left to give others, including our friends and family.

Instead of thinking of it as being selfish to put yourself first, instead, consider it as nourishing yourself so you have more to give. If we don't take care of ourselves we can't be any good to anyone else!

We need a strong foundation for our partnership, colleagues, family, children or whoever else it is that you support or serve in your life.

Please let me know what you think in the comments!

For more support, check out our Masterclass: Compassionate Communication 101: 5 Shifts to Confidently Navigate Change and Challenge with Ease. Register here!