What Woke You Up to Your Life?

What if every terrible thing that ever happened in your life was a chance for you to learn and grow? What if feeling like learning and growing was a worthwhile endeavor?

Do you know that grief, according to the Grief Recovery Institute, is the “conflicting feelings that come at the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior?”

So, every time you have gone through a loss or a life transition, the death of someone you love, the end of a romantic relationship, the death of a dream, the loss of your identity, the loss of trust or innocence... instead of seeing it as something that happened TO you, you decided to see it as something that happened FOR you?

Ugh... what a painful way to learn and grow. I can’t say that it is fun or enjoyable, and yet what a worthy cause. So rather than going through the experience in vain, what if we could find meaning in it? What if we used it as an opportunity to be awakened to our lives, to what really matters to us, to prioritizing love and connection, to choosing creativity and connection?

Life is full of heart-ache, challenges, uncertainty, and confusion. And... as you have probably heard a time or two, change is the only certainty in life. So, what can we do with that?

Can we decide that we are going to embrace change and choose to get curious? Can we choose love and growth rather than letting fear win?

The only way to really move through pain is to acknowledge its existence... to feel the fear and do it anyway.

The only way to acknowledge its existence is to give it a voice. When we share our pain and ask for support, we share our humanity with others and the pain that was once buried deep within us has a chance to come to the surface and be cleared away.

When we share ourselves vulnerably with others, and we are received with love and curiosity rather than fear and judgment, we create a ripple effect of brave conversations that lead to more connection.

So, if you have been through deep heart-ache and you want to help build an army of compassion, schedule a call to talk to me about The Compassion Code Academy: a transformational experience for heart-centered, conscious leaders, coaches, mentors who want practical tools to communicate effectively and lead confidently so they can have brave conversations, create greater impact and own their value both personally and professionally.

Interested in learning more? Watch my webinar, Compassionate Communication 101, here.