If I Am Lucky Enough To Be An Old Lady One Day...

Life has such an interesting way of teaching us what we need to learn. My education is around humility right now. Even the email I wrote you last week was like eating a big piece of humble pie.

I lived. The vulnerability of sharing my truth didn't kill me.

As I have been in deep reflection about my life, I have been revisiting my journals... not sure that you know I have been writing in journals since I was 16 years old... so I have A LOT.

I found a beautiful reflection that I would like to share with you from a couple years ago:

If I am lucky enough to be an old lady one day, I want to look back at my life and think:

I loved so, so, so, so much.
I learned so, so, so, so much.
I experienced so, so, so, so much.

I forgave often.
I apologized often.

I loved myself tenderly, and when I did I loved my family and friends freely.

I shared my love and vision of the beauty I see in others often.

I hugged a lot.

I faced fear.

I advocated for others. I advocated for myself.

I laughed a lot and surrounded myself with amazing people.

I saw beautiful places.

I cried often.

And I kept growing- even when it hurt.

I feel so much gratitude for the beautiful life I had on Earth.

Wow- what a life.

It was hard. It hurt. It was also incredibly amazing.

The lows accentuated the hights.

The highs made it all worth it. 

Does this speak to you and how you want to live your life?

If so watch my new 15 minute presentation called: The One Simple Shift to Uncover the Path to Authentic Happiness and Success! It was really fun to make, and I hope you enjoy it too!

Laura Jack