3 Steps To Stay Healthy While Caring For Others

I am in recovery as a high-achieving, people-pleasing, perfectionist who is also extremely empathetic.

If you are anything like me, these lovely qualities can lead to burnout because we want to do well and often give at all costs (even our own well-being).

I wanted to share with you these 3 essential steps and practices that have helped me care for others without shouldering the burden of their pain and hardships .

Step 1: Shifting Our Mindset about Pain and Hardship

When we recognize pain and hardship as part of the growth journey, we can approach others' struggles with a different perspective. Instead of feeling compelled to fix them, we can acknowledge their experiences as an integral part of their personal growth. Understanding that people are not broken but broken-hearted allows us to offer validation and acceptance, rather than trying to provide unsolicited advice or judgment.

Step 2: Letting Go Physically

Our bodies hold energy, including the emotions and experiences we absorb while listening to others. After engaging in heartfelt conversations, it's crucial to release that energy. Take a moment to breathe deeply, inhaling love and exhaling pain. Take your hands and literally brush off any residual energy from your body, as if removing dust, and then shake it off, just like a dog would. Conclude with a cleansing breath, allowing yourself to let go of what is not yours to carry.

Step 3: Filling Yourself Back Up with the 3 P's

Play, pleasure, and personal expression are key to replenishing ourselves after offering support. Engage in activities that bring joy and stimulate your senses. Embrace playfulness through dance parties, creative hobbies, or exploring new recipes. Find pleasure in indulging your senses, savoring delightful scents, tastes, textures, sounds, and sights. Finally, embrace personal expression through art, music, writing, or any medium that allows you to authentically express yourself.

Throughout my journey as a highly empathetic person and a  Grief Recovery Specialist, these practices have helped me maintain my own well-being while supporting others (even through some of their toughest moments).

Remember, by caring for ourselves, we can show up more fully and authentically for others. It's a beautiful dance of compassion and self-care that creates a positive ripple effect in our lives and the lives of those we touch.

Which of the 3 steps can you implement right away?

Take our Self-WELLth Assessment to determine where you are on the road to burnout!!

Laura Jack