The Gift of Her Death

It may seem strange to hear and it is even a bit strange to say, but I have this deep knowing that my mom's death was a gift to me.

While her death was the most heart-breaking experience of my life, as I reflect back over the last 13 years.... I feel a deep sense of gratitude.

Because I love my life now... it is easier for me to have gratitude for the painful experiences I now see as wisdom markers.

My mom's sudden and tragic death awakened me to the fragile and precious nature of life. It woke me up to living on purpose and fully present.

As I do work to help others heal, grow and transform their pain into purpose through self-compassion, I feel like her death was not in vain -- but rather the birth of my purpose and her legacy.

She was extraordinary in her life as a mom, wife, friend, sister and daughter, but who she continues to be in her death goes beyond titles or roles...

Her death was one of her greatest gifts and sacrifices... an act of service... because now, those of us who love and loved her get to continue sharing the gifts of her life.

Now, through years of healing, growth, transformation and education, here are some of the gifts I get to share from her death.

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I GET to serve others whose hearts were broken OPEN by loss, but who have decided that they want to thrive and live a life on purpose in service to others.

I wrote The Compassion Code, How to say the right thing when the wrong thing happens. Without my own heart-ache, the reactions of others, and then years of helping grievers, I would not have been able to write that book because before she died... I had NO IDEA.

I wouldn't have built The Compassion Code Academy to help healers and heart-centered professionals with communication and leadership skills rooted in the value of self-compassion first through the lens of grief.

And I definitely wouldn't be training Compassion Coaches through our Compassion Coach Training (more on this later).

What are some of the gifts of your grief?

If you don't know yet, it may be time to embark on your own healing journey. If you are still sitting in the pain of your loss, and you aren't ready yet...that's OKAY.

And, when you are ready to leave the cocoon and transform into a butterfly, my team and I are here.

If you are ready to embark on that journey, the first step is to watch my free training: 4 Shifts to Move Beyond The Pain of Loss So You Can Rediscover Meaning, Purpose, and Growth In Your Life  the cliff’s notes of everything I have learned in the last decade + 

Laura Jack