My Theory On Complaining: Unveiling the brag buddies solution

Ever wondered why some folks seem to be in perpetual complaint mode? Life's challenges are aplenty, that's for sure.

But here's the kicker—complaining has become a toxic default, an assumed norm. My theory? We grumble because it's far more acceptable than celebrating.

Think about it. From a young age, we're taught not to brag. "No one likes a bragger," they say. The downside? It discourages us from sharing our wins.

So, what's the remedy? Enter "Brag Buddies," a concept born out of my family routine and corporate workshops. It's a fantastic framework for people to share what they want to celebrate without the nagging guilt of "bragging."

People often keep their wins to themselves, fearing jealousy, judgment, or making others feel bad. Understandable, yet it prevents us from celebrating one another, leading to disappointment and a sense of being unacknowledged.

After losing my original Brag Buddy, my mom, in 2008, I created Brag Buddies. It might feel a bit awkward initially, but I invite you to give it a shot.

If you've ever thought, "No one notices all I do," or just fancy trying something fun, how about playing Brag Buddies today?

Here's the deal: Think of at least one thing you want acknowledgment for. Say, "I want to be acknowledged for __________." Their response? "YOU ROCK" or a simple "Thank you for sharing." Then switch and repeat.

My husband and I make this a daily ritual. "Can I share all the things I did today?" he'll ask. "Absolutely!" I'll reply. After he lists his accomplishments, I'll say, "That's awesome. Thank you so much." Then it's my turn.

We play it with our kids, with friends, and even in corporate workshops.

In a world filled with complaints, Brag Buddies creates a safe space to share wins, shifting the conversation from what's wrong to what's right.

Need a safe place to brag? Join The Compassion Collective —-> our unconditional love line —> by visiting here.

Laura Jack