The Compassion Collective Membership
"It's the closest thing to having Laura in your pocket"

Are you ready to Communicate and Connect with Compassion?

The good news is compassion is a learnable skill that can be fostered and improved, and we're here to help!

My mission is to create a culture of compassion, starting with self, and I teach how we can relate to one another more effectively during the challenging moments in life.

In The Compassion Collective, I’ve made my tools and guidance easy and accessible to help you become even more compassionate with your co-workers, clients, patients, employees, friends, family, partner,- and even yourself - without burning out.

If you feel ready for this transformation in your own life, then join our collective.

Everyone wants to feel seen, heard, and accepted as they are. This is the gift of compassion.

I created The Compassion Collective to help you grow a practice of compassion (with yourself and others) so you can feel confident, empowered, and connected knowing what to say in even the most challenging situations and conversations every day.

Each month I deliver new content that’s easy to access on your computer, phone or tablet.


When you have a regular practice, compassion isn't just something you talk about, it is a daily walk you take step by step until it becomes a way of being.

Then you simply begin living a compassionate life! And when you live a compassionate life, you begin to think, feel, act, and “be” compassionate. No longer trapped in self-doubt, self-criticism, or negative patterns that lead to external judgement and disconnection.

You begin to feel self-determined, confident, connected, and bubbling over with compassion for yourself and others. The Compassion Collective makes it easy to live a compassionate life — because it gives you flexible structure and guidance.

You’re never on your own. As soon as you join, you’re welcomed into a supportive community of people who share your values and hold you accountable to building a more compassionate world.

This Community was Made with You in Mind

The Compassion Collective at a glance
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The Compassion Collective Membership is LIVE! Please join the waitlist to receive a notification when we open the doors again!

The Compassion Collective Waitlist


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